In January Tom, Rob and Eddie went to the 2023 Bruker UK AFM user meeting in the Bragg Centre at the University of Leeds. This was the first user meeting that Bruker has run in three years due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Over two days we were able to attend practical workshops and see demonstrations of the latest developments from Bruker’s AFM division. We also heard a great selection of talks from AFM users from across the UK working in a range of different disciplines.
Highlights included hearing Ioanna Mela from Cambridge talk about how AFM can be corelated with super-resolution microscopy to study bacterial cell membrane components in supported lipid bilayers and then seeing a demonstration of the new high-speed NanoRacer system in action.
Eddie also had the opportunity to presented a poster on his work on the interaction of NDP52 with DNA and won the second place poster prize.
Eddie and his poster
Eddie receiving his poster prize
The meeting was a good opportunity to meet and discuss AFM with researchers from around the country, both in the scheduled sessions and the conference dinner where we also put our general and AFM knowledge head to head in a fun quiz.